Saturday, March 7, 2009

More Antique Eye Candy

Yes, Yes, Yes, I have been holding out on you. Here are some more pictures of another stunning antique crazy quilt. I can only find two pictures of it. One of the WHOLE quilt, and one close up, I thought I had taken more....................... Ahyhooo, These pictures are for the making of more inspiration! As y'all can see the display was simply breath taking! This one I was told was made after America won some sort of yachting cup In the 1800's.(I cannot remember the name of it. I thought that I had better right it down at the show then thought:"NNAAHH, I will remember the name." Yeah right I forgot it!)

As y'all can see this quilt is as stunning as the first one! I do love the ship in the middle of this one! The satin flower in the top picture......I would like to try and re-create it is just awesome!!

I still have pictures of smaller crazy quilts from this display that I will save for another post!


Thelma said...

Beautiful quilt! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

gocrazywithme said...

This one seems to be smaller than the first one, but it has a ton of work in it, too! Excellent, and thanks for posting them.