I wish I could do more but it needs to go to the next person! I added the stitching around the desert floor and little desert pond. I also added the Saguaro Cactus of course! The little flowering vine. This plant can be seen in the Sonora Desert of course! BTW the Sonora Desert has hundreds of beautiful flowers to choose from! Also added the beads of which I am passing on to the next people on the list to use if needed!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Debbies Landscape Block
I wish I could do more but it needs to go to the next person! I added the stitching around the desert floor and little desert pond. I also added the Saguaro Cactus of course! The little flowering vine. This plant can be seen in the Sonora Desert of course! BTW the Sonora Desert has hundreds of beautiful flowers to choose from! Also added the beads of which I am passing on to the next people on the list to use if needed!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
New Number 5

In my quest of making my blog teasers more challenging and entertaining, I try to come up with questions that make y'all really look and learn about these great early actresses! These ladies the fore mothers of the modern day actresses had a hard and challenging life! They lived and worked in a time and era where the actress was looked upon as a tramp or worse! Yet there were a few who broke that mold!
My original question number 5 for Julia Sanderson was a challenging one, that everyone came close to but could not quite find the answer. So in the sense of fair play and a happy teaser, I deleted it and made a new number 5.
The first person who answers this question right will win the squishie, second person right will win the 2 replica silkies.
Question No. 5:
Frank Crumit, was married to Julia Sanderson in 1927. He had some popular phonograph records. Name 3 of his songs.
Good luck ladies!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Update On June's Teaser

Here is an update on June's teaser. The squishie is still up for grabs! There is one question that everyone still seams to be having trouble with. I have checked and rechecked my facts and I am still looking for the correct answer to question number 5.
The tin was won by....................................................................... Ruby, YEAH!!! Ruby, the tin will be out in the mail in the next couple of days. I will wait to see if you want to try for the squishie.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
June's "Catch My Star" Blog Teaser

So I wont give away anything I am going to start my teaser questions!
Please email me the answers to my email glynpg@yahoo.com.
Good Luck!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Birds And Bees ~ Debbie S.'s Block
I also put in around the web those pretty purple roses, the lace around the connecting block looked a little plain so I added those blanket stitch flowers and that field of flowers with the pretty blue butterflies!
I could have added so much more like SRE flowers along the vines so the ladybugs can play on them and beads to the lace motif, and , and ,and.................
My New Tea Pot
When I brought it home my Darling Teen Daughter told me that it was the ugliest thing that she has ever seen!
What??? I did not think that it was ugly I thought that it would look nice in the corner with my carrot and strawberry pitchers!
This has to be the best Shabby Chic tea pot out there! What do y'all think?????????
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lauri's UTS Block
I went ahead and chose the "brightest" block that she has in the bunch! I had bought some obnoxious green fluffy trim at a yard sale and decided that it needed to be sea grass on this block! Of course an octopus coming out of the grass is a must on this block! I have to have my signature squid on any UTS block that I do!
My Altoids Tin
Now, to tell about the tin. The lady who I am sending this to likes fairies. I found a collage sheet full of fairies and purchased it off of etsy. I then printed the pictures on purple batik. (I love that I am not limited to plain white any more!)
The Altoids tins are so small I wound up embellishing four at one time. I chose the one out of the four to give to my lady, or at least the one that I think that she would like.
I know that she likes pink, the white is just a "give me" fabric when piecing together pinks! Now the grey. She has said nothing about grey but when I saw this fabric I thought: "OOOHHHHH! Fairy fabric!" So I am hoping that she likes it!
Here is the outside of the tin. I used some metallic ribbon to go around the top of the tin. I also chose flower trim for the bottom.
I hope that she likes it! I cannot wait to send these out!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Right Answer

Yes, by now you have guessed it right! Johnny Weissmuller! How could a Sunday summer morning after church pass with out watching a Tarzan movie?? It was the best to watch Tarzan battle crocodiles and lions. Calling the elephants to help rescue Jane!
Summer DYB
Okay, how about running bare foot down the old dirt path to the little creek where you spent most of you child hood splashing around trying to catch a fish with your bare hands and turning over rocks looking for mud bugs, so you could chase your baby sister around with it telling her that it will pinch her nose off.(Yes, you do get in trouble for that one!) When you are a teenager you escape the house and read a book while laying on a blanket beside that creek.
Yes, you even get real good at climbing the barb wire fence in bare feet just so that you can escape the bull that mom tells you really does have to go in that pin.(Nothing meaner than a Jersey bull!)
I grew up on a dairy. I spent most of my summers running the Texas country side. Well, the part of Texas that daddy owned! My grandparents owned a "Beach House" in Rockport. I remember the summer nights when you would turn on the porch light at the beach house and watch the "hard heads" splash the top of the water. The cool mornings when I would go down to the dock to sit and fish. Red snapper would come in close in the mornings and feed on the smaller fish.
My summer blocks I chose to do in bolder colors then I normally would choose. This is summer and I think that the colors really portray the summer time. I think that I must mention that I did put a silkie on every block. All with summer like scenes!
There is one that I dug out of a family album, that is special as my mother is one of the little girls in it. Yes, it is the one of all the little girls in bare feet!
Here it is a picture of a Texas childhood! I don't think that summers have changed any at all!
This last picture is a really cool picture. Yes, it does portray a California summer at the beach....... But it also has an Olympic star in it! He is very famous! Here is the hint that I will give you: I use to watch his movies every Sunday after church. Now here is where the Quilt Lion will announce another contest for a pair of silkies! I will send a pair of silkies this one below and a silkie of the Olympic star himself to the first person who can tell me who he is!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A Swap, A Christmas Stocking Swap!

Sunday, June 7, 2009
In the directions/ rules Debbie(our hostess with the mostess), put down dimensions that we were to follow. The tins were not to exceed 6x8 inches and no smaller than 4x5 inches for the large tins.
With those instructions I took myself to my favorite thrift store to find my tins. I found the required tins(among other things), and brought them home. I pulled them out one day to do some measuring and then got distracted. Have y'all ever done that??? Well needless to say I totally forgot that the tins were on the table. It was trash day and the old man thought that I was going to get rid of them, so into the trash they went.
Now, I have gone dumpster diving before, and I will do it again. In this case it was too late. The trash was gone! I stormed around the house for a while then went back down to my favorite thrift store to get some more. No square tins to be found! Now, y'all don't have, to have me tell you what was running through my mind at that point! I picked up some round and some oval in about the same dimensions that were described in the rules.
When I came back home I emailed Debbie. I told her my sad story and she said that I could use the different shapes, that the dimensions were just a guideline for the approximate size. So my old man got a stay of execution!
The tins that are in the following pictures are the ones that I chose to work on.
I printed out the likes and dislikes of each lady so that I could have them by my sewing machine while I was designing the tins.
The oval tin is hopefully in the colors that my lady likes. She also had down that she like spider webs and encrusted. I hope that what I did on the top is to her liking. The SRE rose motif is one of my favorites!
This next tin I chose to be round. My lady that this tin goes to likes little girl silkies! I also tried to stick to the colors that she stated that she likes, so I am hoping that she likes this tin. Every thing is in the deep Victorian-like colors, except the SRE roses. They are a bright blue. They really stand out!
This tin was a deep, dark green so no spray paint was necessary to help finish off this tin. As you see I have that trim in another color. I thought that this color would look great with the CQ top.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Graduation 2009
Here we are at the end of twelve years of struggling to get Brandon out of school. We did have a bumpy road as my son has dyslexia. Then the last three months when he got Senioritis and did not want to go to school anymore! It almost made me cry to see him walking into the stadium to receive his diploma!
I know you cannot really make him out but here is Brandon receiving his diploma.
I just wish he was back in diapers again. I know, I know one day I will have that little carbon copy of him to chase after! The best thing about the carbon copy is I can spoil the heck out of him and then give him back to daddy!
I am going to go to bed now and try not to cry!