Like the above picture. I bought her at my favorite antique store. These ladies carry Great vintage laces and doilies among other things. They carry lots of vintage dolls. Have I ever told anyone that I love to collect dolls?? Well I do. When I saw this pin cushion I thought this one is for me! Of course she is a little on the expensive side but well worth it. Well to me she was.........
I had also went to Hobby Lobby and bought some satin DMC floss I cannot wait to try this stuff out. While on that isle I chceked out the varigated floss. My favorite floss to use. (Not just the DMC but the varigated type floss!) They were having a clearance on the varigated floss. Y'all know that I had to buy them out out of the clerance items! I bought a butt load of perle and regular DMC varigated floss! WHOO--HOO! They also had the Bead Treasure beads 1/2 off. Do you know what that ment?? I had to stock up of course!
The rest of my shopping would bore you as it had to do with new shoes and clothes for my rather large children!
Now out to the sewing table to finish up on things to send out!
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